Understanding rules of third in photography
Interesting or not an image are depends on many patterns, one of the most popular of which is the position and layout as well as the focus of the object of an image.
In addition, to reinforce the impression produced on an image, the lighting is also a vital component. Some parts of the picture, there should be a light and partly into the shadow, so that the elements of the composition being fulfilled.

In the basic science of photography, composition is a vital component, wherein the composition plays an important role from the strength were shown in a picture. To get a good composition, it takes the right preparation when shooting.
The most famous tools in the world of photography in addition to get a good composition is the rule of third. The rule of third plays an important role in the position of the object image were recorded by camera. The rule of third can resulting a dynamic and powerful composition from the created images.

The rule of thirds is splitting of an image into three vertical and three horizontal sections and is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.
The intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines is the ideal placement of objects to be located. The usefulness from the meeting points is to put a POI (point of Interest) and focus on the main object of these points.

The Rule of third is the instructions how to position the object in 1/3 part of the picture and avoid placement of the object image in the middle position. But this is just a rule that should not always be followed by any photographer.