
5 Tips Developing Your Photographic Vision

For someone were starting a passion as a photographer, besides having a camera that can meet the needs of photography, you must have a vision to improve your photography skills.

When you are totally new into the world of photography, you will feel excited about the things that are really new for being photographer.

Then you try some settings on your camera, shoot some picture, and you willing to get immediate the best results of photographs. It surely can be great result or vice versa.

When the results of your photograph was great for the first time, of course you will be more willing to try another setting on your camera on and on.

Until there is a point where you will feel frustration with your photographs results that you create based on the reference you have tried before, and at the end, you would think, photography is difficult and you are getting lazy to be creative with your DSLR camera.

Focus on your photographic vision

To avoid this, when you really just entering your hobby as a photographer, you need to have a clear vision of photography and can lead your skills to a better level. Here are some useful tips to help you in developing your photography vision so that you grow as a photographer were you want it to be.

1. Learn how to see as a good photograph.

Seeing is the first step you should do to start your hobby as a photographer. At this moment, you're looking at, read and pay attention to the text you read on this blog.

The meaning seen as a photographer is to look at the composition of the object that you see, whether it's the shape, the color, the light, the appeal of this form of the object, or the story contained in the object to be recorded into the camera.

The process is seen as a photographer can not be built easily, you have to frequently do this exercise to hone your ability and to see the meaning of the object you are going to create in the form of photography.

For example, if you're looking at flowers in the yard. And the flowers have a beauty that appeal you to look closer.

At this stage the process is seen as a photographer you have to develop. Pay careful attention to what and how the shape of the flowers, what causes the flower to be beautiful when seen, and where the point when you see a beautiful flower.

The process of seen as a photographer you did it often, will increase the speed in determining the precise and meaningful objects to the images of objects interesting to look at.

2. Look for all around You (Observe Your Surroundings).

A good way to practice improving your ability to see and your photographer's vision is to observing the things around you. You can do this at any time and without requiring any extra time, what is needed is a little extra "attention".

In your daily life, try observing your surroundings. Look at what is in front of you. Ask yourself, "what do I see? What am I looking for? What I need from existing object in front of me? Wherein the shape that I can capture the beauty?".

This step will help to speed up your intuition in determining the beauty that is in your view and mind.

3. Fascinated With The Ordinary Things.

When you learn to see by simply observing your surroundings, you will be blown away by something unusual. One result of this simple technique is to observe your environment that you will be blown away with everything you see.

When you begin to observe your surroundings, you will begin to appreciate the world that you see in front of your eyes. When you begin to appreciate the beauty of the world, you start to see it differently. Suddenly, everything was wonderful.

Anything can be an art. Everything is alive and flowing with majestic beauty, and you as a photographer, wanted to capture the beauty in your images.

A sight not only in the form of mountains and lakes, but the result of a power revolution trillions of years ago that makes life on earth possible. And then you see the simple beauty of smile, the beauty of person's eyes, the beauty of trees, flowers. All things are beautiful.

4. Consider the Photos Work That You Admire.

A great way to develop your photographer's vision is paying attention to what you like from works of other photographers that you admire. Ask yourself, "What makes me like these photo? '.

Look at the features, characteristics and quality of the photos they have, and then combine these elements into your own. When you can learn to appreciate the intricacies and details of the work of others, you will begin to appreciate your own work.

5. Do more just than practice.

All observations, analysis, and criticism would be useless if you do not put it into practices. At some point, you have to try, do not get caught up in learning process so as forgotten your original goals.

Imagine a writer who does not write, he may be the best writer in the world, but if he did not write anything, there would be no point for him.

Photographer's vision can only be used if you make pictures that reflect your vision. Therefore, the most important action that you take as a photographer is to only capture in accordance with the point of your vision .