
Introduction to risphotograph blog

Hello , this is my first post in risphotograph. This blog is about photography, based on my experience and history for using Nikon D3000 Digital Camera.

I'm an amateur Photographer, still learn and searching for the best option when i am using my camera.

I had two years with my D3000 Nikon camera , but i have didn't find the better option when i have to capture an object in every condition and time.

I'm writing on this blog for every amateur people who'd love photography as a new hobby and to help my self and blog readers to remember for all what i have done with my shoots experience.

In my opinion , there are a lot of people were fun with their new hobby, especially in photograph with DSLR camera but has still confuse with how to use their camera except with an Auto mode.

The Auto mode is the easiest way to capture an object without confusing with another option at the camera, but its always stand out some question were flow in our brain in every shoots with an Auto mode "Is this the best picture that DSLR camera can do ?"

See the picture above ?

That's the one from my greatest shoot, and there are more better images on the net from another people.

The only things to do with your newest camera is read your manual book then practice every time you have. It would be better time by time . well, have a nice shoot :)